Akiama-Oguede Road

Bonny Island, Rivers State

+234 8139700651

Contact Number

Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 5:00

Operating Hours

Akiama-Oguede Road

Bonny Island, Rivers State

+234 8139700651

Contact Number

Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 5:00

Operating Hours



Our admission process are in two parts, the Mainstream training Programmes and the Fee Paying training Programmes. Candidates that get admission into BVC will be graduating with any of the following certifications; Certificate, Diploma or Advanced Diploma from City and Guilds of London Institute.

For the Mainstream Programme, our admission process spans a period of three months which covers the online registration process, Entrance Examination, Probation Exercise and finally the final selection of qualified candidates. We go through all these to make our admission process as transparent as possible and to ensure that we get candidates who have the ability to pass the City and Guilds Examinations.

The online registration is usually in May and it spans for three to four weeks. As a community based Centre, we provide a free online registration center in the school premises which is open throughout the duration of the online registration.  Registered candidates are then scheduled for our Entrance Examination.

The Entrance Examination spans for about two weeks and is usually either in June to July. The Probation Exercise spans for few days for each department and is usually in July or August. The Entrance Examination is Computer based and the questions cover O’level English and Mathematics. Since multiple choice questions are used for the Entrance Examination, to ascertain that successful candidates are academically fit to pass the City and Guilds Examinations, successful candidates usually go through a Probation Exercise where the candidates are taught for a few days and a hand-written examination is given based on what was taught.

Successful candidates from our Probation Exercise are given admission into the various departments of the school. About two thousand candidates register for admission into BVC every year.

On the other hand, Fee Paying Programme admission is driven by the Consultancy unit. Interested candidates are expected to reach out to the unit focal to make enquiries on specific trade of their choice.

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